546.) Fri Jun. 1, 2018

Originally Published on Jun. 1, 2018

The Song of the Day is:


Coldplay – “Fix You”

From the album X&Y (2005)

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

I dedicate today’s song to my broken-down refrigerator.  I will try to fix you!  Coldplay is a great band with no shortage of haters, which is a shame, but that’s one of the pitfalls of being so successful.  Just ask U2, a band which Coldplay is often compared to.  They’ve also been likened to a more digestible version of Radiohead.  It’s funny, for as much as I have listened to the band, and as popular as they have been for a decade and a half, I couldn’t name another member other than singer Chris Martin.  Having just looked them up, I can see that they’ve had no personnel changes, and that I still don’t recognize their names.  Perhaps that’s a good thing, they get the benefit of the rock and roll lifestyle and a level of anonymity which must be appreciated.  For the record, they are Johnny Buckland on lead guitar, Guy Berryman on bass, and Will Champion on drums.  They have a fifth member, they stress, who is their former manager and current creative director, Phil Harvey.  This album, X&Y, was the first album after their international breakthrough, A Rush of Blood To The Head.  While the hooks weren’t as big, the album was full of very heartfelt moments.  Since their 2000 debut, Coldplay have released seven albums.

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